Every human being has a pelvic floor and as such, learning how to locate this area is pivotal to pelvic and spinal stability and strength. True strength in the pelvic floor comes from tonicity - the ability to not only activate, but also to release.
We often hear cues for activating the pelvic floor using phrases like “pull up through your vagina" or "stop the flow of pee".
First and foremost, not every human being has a vagina nor do all of those with the physical anatomy of a vagina identify with one. However, every human being does have a pelvic floor and as such, learning how to locate this area is pivotal to pelvic and spinal stability and strength. True strength in the pelvic floor comes from tonicity - the ability to not only activate, but also to release. So remember, we do not want you gripping tight and holding on for dear life: balance is key.
Simplistically speaking, the pelvic floor dome consists of a group of horseshoe shaped muscles located at the base of your pelvis. They run from front to back via your tailbone to pubic bone and laterally connect to your two sitz bones (the boney parts of your butt you feel when you are sitting on a chair). These muscles are a convex dome when relaxed, and but they move toward “concave” as they are engaged. It is imperative for PFM health that equal care and attention is given to the opening and expansion (relaxation) and contraction/activation (engagement).
Since these muscles encompass the entire base of the pelvis, it is key to consider the entire anatomy when cuing activation and release.
Studies have shown that initiating pelvic floor activation through the anus or rectum first and then layering on the perineum (the midline tissue between the anus and genitals in both female and male anatomy), creates a deeper, more balanced connection. Layering on the appropriate breath is also necessary to ensure we are not bearing down during activation and creating too much pressure.
Here are a few of the cuing techniques we use at ALL Studio. Try them out and let us know what you think:
As you inhale through your nose, think you are creating as much space as possible in the base of your pelvis from tailbone to pubic and between your two sitz bones. As you exhale, make a shhh sound out of your mouth and think about drawing your rectum inside your body toward the underside of your naval. Inhale, slowly release. Continue here a few times and then let's add on. On your next exhale, draw the rectum in towards the underside of your naval, now add a lift of your perineum towards the same place. Inhale to release creating as much space between pubic bone, tailbone and each sitz bone - be sure to not grip your jaw and to balance equally between slow activation and release.
Feel the four points of the base of your pelvis - the pubic bone, tailbone and two sitz bones, they make almost a diamond shape. Inhale through your nose and create as much space in that diamond as possible, as you exhale, think about bringing the four points of that diamond closer and drawing them internally into the body.